Notes and Pictures
from the families who gave our
precious puppies wonderful homes:
"We are so in love with our Lila. she is the most beautiful spirited little thing. She can sit, lay down, she Bell trained in four days, so she just rings the bell when she needs to go potty. (or when she just wants to go out and play outside)lol. she has slept through the night since the night we brought her home...we have a wading pool in Joe’s room filled with litter so at night time before she goes to bed in her crate, she’ll jump in the pool go potty and go to her crate (even though she was just outside going potty… I think it’s her safeguard so she doesn’t have an accident in the night ) she is so smart! I feel so blessed by this little dog. she is wonderful, and it goes to show what an incredible breeder you are, because I have had bad experiences with breeders in the past and this puppy is such a blessing. you can tell she was raised very well in her first eight weeks. I’m Including a couple of pictures just so you can see how she’s growing. My grandkids have been here for the past week and she is so good with them my granddaughters only five months old and Lila aside from getting really super excited once in a while and sitting on Penelope’s face… She is so gentle with her. Thank you so much for letting us have one of your puppies.” -Kristen T. |

"I just wanted to take a second to let you know how much I love my Gracie dog. She is so sweet and lovable. I honestly have never heard her growl. She could be munching on the tastiest bone ever and I could get my face right in there and she doesn't care a bit. She loves the grand kids. When we are out walking she just prances and carries herself like the happiest and most carefree dog in the world. There has hardly been a time when she and I are out and about when somebody doesn't come out of their house or stops in their car to take the time to tell me how beautiful she is. Anyway, thought I would share that with you". ~Linda Smith

"I was drawn to Mountain Springs kennel because of the early neurological stimulation techniques they used with the newborn puppies as well as the fact that the puppies are raised with intensive home-style socialization and daily handling as well as being acclimated to a variety of surfaces and environments. As a professional trainer, I know that this type of very early enrichment is incredibly beneficial for puppies -- even if you take a young pup to socialization classes after adoption, it never is quite as good as if the puppy was receiving loving socialization and interaction from birth. My puppy is “Halo” from the Sunny/Sam November 2014 litter. She is an absolute joy -- intelligent, confident, gentle, playful, and a wonderful companion to have around. We are training for multiple dog sports -- competitive obedience, treibball, agility and Nosework, and there’s nothing she can’t do! She entered and passed her preliminary qualification tests for Nosework at the age of eight months! By eleven months she was in the Rally Obedience ring, absolutely precise and happy, receiving compliments from the judge as well as an obvious “crowd favorite” because of her beauty and enthusiasm. This is a sport which most dogs are not ready for before 2-3 years of age! I would fully recommend Mountain Springs Kennel for the type of puppy that is calm and easy enough for a first-time dog owner or for young children, yet smart and engaging enough to be fun for an advanced owner. "
~Linda Bane owner of K-9 Prodigy Dog Training.

You can’t go wrong getting a golden retriever from Mountain Springs Kennel. I am so happy with the pup Verity personally selected for our service dog program. I was so specific in the pups’ temperament, size, and health. I’m pleased to announce that Freedom was just placed with his veteran this past December. As the puppy raiser I had the joy of teaching this goofy-thinking pup to help a wounded veteran. He’s a quick learner, loves to work, and gets along with dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds. Thank you Verity for giving a wounded veteran the gift of a service dog to help with his invisible disabilities. ~Stephanie Gerken, Executive Director, Michael’s Angel Paws.

"We are so lucky to have found Mountain Springs Kennel. Our two pups, Cami and Miller, bring so much laughter, joy, and adventure to our lives. They are from the Sam & Nakita 2015 litter and are now 9 months old. It is so fun to watch these siblings grow up together because they truly are best friends. I can't tell you the number of times my boyfriend and I have been stopped by strangers to ask "Where did you get your dogs?!" or to be told "great looking dogs!". We can't thank Verity and her family enough for providing us with two of the happiest, friendliest, and loving pups." ~Britta Stormo
“Hi Verity, I just had to text you and say thank you so much for doing such a good job raising our little Hank the first 8 weeks of his life. Out of our 4 goldens he has adjusted the best out of all of them! We took him to the vet today and her exact words were, “this is how every golden should be”. He is so confident and thinks every human/dog is his best friend! He’s not so sure about walks (he’s kinda lazy) but loves being outside! He is already best friends with our other Goldie and has stolen our hearts since day one! My mom is already saying our next golden we have to get from you because she is so impressed with Hank’s temperament! Thank you so much for giving our family such a great addition! We’ll continue to update with pics :)” - Lauren V. |

"Our Bailey is a well mannered, well most of the time, 15 mos old pup. Verity and family raise the best dogs. I would definitely get my next dog from them". - Barbra Dubin

"Liberty has been a joy to raise since I received him at 12 weeks. He has grown up to be a beautiful and well adjusted dog. He is such a thinker and very independent. He has become very attached to my husband and is a "lap" dog when the football games are on. Originally Liberty was to be raised and trained to be a service dog for a veteran, but it has since been decided to keep him as a demonstration service dog. He is very smart and has no problem being in front of a crowd showing the tasks he has learned which enables people who may want a service dog to see how a specific task is accomplished.
Liberty has brought a lot of fun to our life and everyone loves him." ~ Jean Kautzman

"Here's a picture of Fischer and our daughter( formerly "Squirrel" from Lightning and Lily) tuckered out after a fun filled b-day! Can't believe he's a year old already...thank you from the Freiboth family, we couldn't have asked for a better dog!" ~The Freiboths

"Mountain Springs Kennel exceeded every expectation I had. The property is beautiful and these dogs really live in paradise. Ari is from Bear and Sunny's June 2015 litter and he is almost 5 months now. He is the sweetest little boy and I couldn't be happier. Ari is exceeding expectations in his obedience class and is very eager to learn. He loves to swim and splash in his water bowl whenever he gets a chance. I have taken him several places over the last couple of months and he behaves like a perfect gentleman. He waits calmly in the car for me to return or he sits patiently outside of a local coffee shop. Many people have complimented on how handsome he is and I couldn't agree more. Verity answered every question I could think of, and really made me feel like I was part of the family when I came to pick up Ari. I have recommend Mountain Springs Kennel to everyone I know looking for a new family member. Thank you so much Verity! We love our little guy so much." ~Mack Hill

At 10 Weeks: "Hi Verity. I have to tell you that Donovan is such a blessing! He is a wonderful dog.
He's very smart and gentle and possesses amazing qualities, Every night when I am prepping
dinner (which could take anywhere from 45 min to an hr), he sits on the rug in my kitchen and
just watches me. He doesn't beg, or get underfoot. He simply just hangs out. I think this is an
unbelievable feat of patience for a 10 week old pup! He's had no accidents in the house and is
well on his way to being potty trained. What a good boy! He loves to eat bark and grass in the
backyard so that is his one bad habit that we are working on! Anyway, thank you again for picking
such a lovely addition to our family, We are all overjoyed to have him!"
At 1 year: "We love Donovan so much, Verity. He is such a sweet natured, loving, obedient,
curious, playful, and loyal gentle giant! He adores children! and we can't imagine life without
him! Sam and Sunshine should be proud of their boy!! XOXO"
~Suzanne Laing

"I have a wonderful ten month old English crème golden girl that came from Mountain Spring's litter from White Lightening and Holly Dream Token. Not only is Sable (our pup) incredibly smart, eager to learn and really a love bug, but Verity is a phenomenal breeder who from the first day we met has been willing to work with me and help me keep Sable healthy and happy. I wholly recommend Mountain Spring's Kennel and the Arndt family." ~ Vickie Hiday

"Rudy, now 6 years old and Chase now 2 years old are two very beautiful, handsome Goldens males. Everyone who sees them offers compliments on their personality, their temperment and their behavior. Rudy was a champion in 4H agility at Fair and is a very smart and successful waterfowl hunting retriever. Chase works now as a host at our dog kennel and gets along with and plays with every dog, even some dogs no one will be friendly with. Both dogs are a shining example of the quality of dog that comes from Mountain Springs Kennels. Kudos to Verity and the entire family! I can't speak highly enough. Thank you!" ~Tim Fritz
"We heard about Mountain Spring Kennels from our dear friends Lauren and Dave, parents of Knox. We fell in love with English Cream Golden Retrievers when we met their first puppy Patton. There was no going back, we were getting one. Fred has become the joy of our lives in the 9 months we have had him. He has touched our hearts in a way we never knew was possible. Thank you Verity for our incredible addition to our family!" ~Suzanne and Jon Cordes |

How nice to hear from you. We think of you and your beautiful family often and hope you are all well and happy. Beau is wonderful, and we love him so much. Can't believe he will be 2 in June! Right now he is very busy keeping all the bunnies out of my garden, for which I am very grateful! He is such a lover boy. He is so handsome but is very humble about it! We send you all our very best wishes. ~Michele and Brian

Hi Verity, I was just thinking about sending you some pictures of the babies "Joe's girls" a couple days ago. The girls are doing real good. They are so smart and spoiled. Were so glad to have them. They make me laugh every day. Mom comes over and watches them about every other weekend, she loves them so much, I think they have kept her alive. ~Joe
"Skye is an amazing companion that spreads love where ever he goes. Nobody can stay mad when Skye is around. I do not know how I lucked out on getting such an amazing dog. But one thing is for sure, I will be forever grateful to have Skye by my side :D (sunny and Bears June 2015) Thank you verity for such a wonderful pup!!" -Meghan A. |

Hi Verity,
We just love our pup we bought from you. He will be a year old this month.. son of Lilly & Lightning. He LOVES the water! We camped most of July and wanted to share a few pics of his adventure :)

Hi Verity: Thanks for checking in with us! Our puppy is great & just turned 1 yr. old on Sept. 6th. We named her Maggie-I will send you a current photo from my phone. She's a great dog, very friendly and loves people and other dogs. We go to the off leash park regularly (since she was about 10 months) and she's just as interested in making friends with all the people there as she is in playing with the other dogs. We love Maggie! Thank you for your help in getting her to our home. ~Bridget

Hi Verity, It is so great to hear from you. Knox just celebrated his 1st Birthday with Patton and a pupsicle on 9/6 and also hit 76 lbs. So strong! We think he has some billy goat in him with how fast he goes from the back door down the hill to the lake to swim! He loves swimming, bugging Patton and chasing the birds (not good when he goes after them in the lake)! He also learned to jump off the dock this summer in the lake to get his sticks a little quicker. Haha! Still a puppy! I promise more pics to come! ~ Lauren E.

"Mochi is from Sam & Bailey's litter. He is so spoiled and probably the happiest dog everyday. He is so smart, so playful, so sweet and so loving. He loves to swim, play tug of war, chase birds and eat treats. He loves to make this "dinosaur" goofy sounds when he wants something. I still remember the first day I took him home. Everything seems just like yesterday. He just turned 1 year old a day ago on 11/23. I'm so glad to have him in my life. He makes me laugh everyday. He brings so much joy and beautiful memories to my life. He is my best friend, my family member, and the love of my life. I can never imagine my life without him. Looking forward to all the unknown adventures with him in life. I recommend Mountain Springs Kennel to anyone who's looking for a new family member. Thank you guys so much for bringing Mochi to my life. I adore him and love him with all my heart."
-Lydia C.

"Our experience bringing Trooper into our family has been so far above our expectations! First, Verity was so helpful and willing to talk in length when we were first researching breeders. She was so down to earth and
easy to talk to. Then, as we traveled to visit and bring Trooper home, her whole family was so welcoming
and gave us such a sense of peace about choosing the right breeder. Trooper (born 7/7/15 to Star & Bear) has been SUCH a complete joy!! We get sooo many comments on what a perfect boy he is (not to mention how handsome he is) and we couldn't agree more! He fits perfectly into our family (with seven kids) and we enjoy having him pal around with us in just about everything we do and everywhere we go. He is great in the house,
fully house trained and, while he is crate trained, rarely ever needs to go in it anymore. He is part of the family
and we have FINALLY found a dog that can grow up with our children!" ~ Angie Neumaier
"This is Addy and Bo, they are 19 months old now and they could not be loved more. Addy is so energetic and always wants to learn, Bo is our lover boy and snuggles with us every night. We get compliments on them every where we go." ~ Debbie Howards. and another note a year later. . . "Verity, I thought I would text you and tell you that Debbie & Bo and Addy and I are now certified therapy dog teams. Maybe you could post this, these two pooches are so smart. " ~The Howards |
"Verity, I have been wanting to send you a message for a long time to let you know how much we love our beautiful Skye. She is a daughter of Nakita and Sam spring of 2016. She is affectionate, attentive, and SO SWEET! We adore her, and can't imagine life without this wonderful member of our family." -L. Enright. |
Sophie is very sweet, super smart, hungry all the time, loves stuffed animals, loves to watch us rake up the innards of the stuffed animals, loves her big sister Sadie, has to be FIRST out the door, but is a true scaredy cat if a big noise happens or Sadie does a big bark at something in the woods and runs back inside. She's beautiful. Has finally understood to stay away from the cat. Loves trips. Sticks around home. Hangs out with Bill during the day, doing yard work...and on hot days, knows exactly where to sneak off to the trail to the muddy creek below.
Wonderful dogs! Thank you. ~Anne & Bill LaValle |
Addie is now 21 weeks old and Thriving. She has been a true blessing to our family and fits in perfectly. She love's sleeping with my husband and I. She is very hot natured so she has to be in front of the fan and the Air Conditioner. At her last vet apt she was 31 lbs. She is very calm and laid back, and boy does she love attention. I can't go to the bathroom or even shower with out her being in the bathroom with me. Thank you so much for such a wonderful addition to our family, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. ~ Amanda, Jason, Dylan, Austen & Addie Dearing

"Let me tell you how much we love Misty and how important she is to our family. One night Maliyah our daughter was having an asthma attack and we were asleep and didn't know it. When she was gasping for air misty scratched me until I woke up then she went to go find my husband and scratched his arm to wake him up.
She stayed by Maliyahs side all night and refused to leave her and when she got restless she would run her nose on her to comfort her.
It was at that point we realized how special she is and we never left her in her crate at night again... Well only when she decided to chew up the shoes but all she had to do was give us the puppy eyes and we would let her out lol.
She is the best dog in the world we will be forever grateful to mountain springs kennel"
~The Leonard Family
She stayed by Maliyahs side all night and refused to leave her and when she got restless she would run her nose on her to comfort her.
It was at that point we realized how special she is and we never left her in her crate at night again... Well only when she decided to chew up the shoes but all she had to do was give us the puppy eyes and we would let her out lol.
She is the best dog in the world we will be forever grateful to mountain springs kennel"
~The Leonard Family

"Cash, aprox 2 years old and son of Lighting and Ellie. He is fast, strong and very
athletic for a big dog. Thank you so much Mountain Springs, Your Dogs are the BEST"
~Mike Mullan

"This is our baby girl Madison who was from a litter of Sam and Nakita a
year ago... She has been such an amazing addition to our family and we are so grateful to have adopted our sweet girl!"
~Mia Shea

"Koa is doing great he is a handful, at almost two years old he still thinks he is a puppy wanting to sit on my lap. He is always by my side and very smart he brings in the news paper and mail every day. He is very healthy and full of energy and is such a water dog he would play in the lake all day. Thank you for a great dog". ~Rick Adkins
"Skye and Ender have been a great addition to our family! Ender which is my dog is one of the happiest dogs we know, he always has a smile on his face and is willing to do anything for a treat, He also loves his belly rubs. Skye which is my daughters dog is very attentive and mellow. He loves to greet all the dogs and humans at the dog park. They both are amazing with children and very smart! They are also at the top of their puppy class! We are very grateful to Verity to have such beautiful and amazing dogs!" ~ Lori and Meghan
"Hi Mountain Springs Kennel! This is our boy, Wallace (you will remember him as 'James').
Wallace is the son of Holly and White Lightning and we brought him home just under a year ago. Wallace is very popular in our neighborhood and is constantly the recipient of pets and compliments in Ballard, WA! Wallace goes to work every day and is always dressed for the occasion (he always has a bowtie on). I can't say he does much 'work' but he is very good at sleeping on the job. In his spare time Wallace enjoys playing with his toys, watching TV, and swimming. We recommended MSK to our good friends and it sounds like they will have a 'Wallace' of their own this October! We are so incredibly happy with Wallace and love him so very much! We are all grateful we found you (and him)." ~C. Clayton |
"Little update on one of your pups! This is Finn, he was part of Bailey and Sam's July 3rd litter, so he is a little shy of a year now. He has just finished his training courses, is an amazingly well behaved and well mannered pup, loves exploring beaches and running around at the park. He is the perfect study buddy, as I apply to doctorate programs, he sits outside every coffee shop with me smiling at everyone passing by. He is happy, healthy, and extremely loved. I can't thank you enough for raising my favorite adventure partner in crime until I was able to take him home 😊" ~Haley |
"Hi Verity! I hope you and your beautiful family are doing well! I just wanted to touch bases with you and let you know how well our little (big) Rowan is doing. When we brought home our little pup, I was so afraid because our house is already wild and crazy all on its own haha! But Rowan jumped right into the house and has been such a joy ever since. His patience with the smaller children has surprised me again and again. He keeps them busy, and they keep him busy. What was once my fear, truly turned into pure joy. He is amazing and has transitioned into our family perfectly. We can't thank you enough for raising such wonderful puppies! " ~The Wards |
We are currently uploading more photos and testimonials. Check back soon for more. THANKS